
6 weeks to 12 months

Our baby room is super busy and interactive throughout the day. All our babies are on their own schedules with plenty of opportunities for play, movement, social and emotional development, and cuddles with our teachers. Primary care is an essential part of our baby room to meet each baby’s needs when they are with us.


12 months to 2 years old

Our 1 year old classroom is full of fun and excitement! These busy students have many opportunities to explore their environment and share interactive experiences with one another through sensory and art activities. At this age the students are learning basic sign language to help with their speech and communication skills, as well as learning self help skills.


2 years to 3 years old

Our two year old class learns so much during this year! Gaining new skills through social and emotional interactions and becoming more independent. This is also the age where self help skills are encouraged even more with support from their teachers. Center activities are used along with small group and 1 on 1 activities with teachers.


3 years to 4 years old



4 years to Kindergarten
